
vendredi 16 septembre 2016

What exactly is a VPN?

  • What exactly is a VPN?

    VPN stands for "Virtual Private Network". VPNs make it possible to use the internet for private communication, much as you would with computers physically connected via a network. Through encryption, a VPN provides companies with the functionality and security of a private network at a much lower cost.
  • Will a VPN slow down my internet?

    It depends. Using a VPN can certainly slow down your internet, which is why most people only use them for information they want to keep private. You can route all of your internet activity through a VPN, but it will probably slow you down. Only you can decide the right balance of security and speed to meet your needs. Other factors that influence speed are the number of people connecting through the VPN and the VPN's geographical location.
  • What does a VPN let me do?

    Put most simply, a VPN lets you use the public internet to transmit private information. For instance, you could be relaxing in your recliner and use your company-provided VPN to access your work computer. You can also use a VPN to keep your personal information secure while you're using an open wi-fi connection. You can use it to ward off data tracking, thereby keeping your browsing history private. The most interesting thing about a VPN is that the internet will think you're wherever the VPN server is. For instance, say you're traveling abroad and want to watch something on Hulu. You can't do it…unless you connect through a VPN that's located in the U.S.

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